Fabrizio Murgia got a physics degree in 1998 and after some fellowships related to courses in computer sciences, since 2001 he works as researcher, expert researcher at the moment, at CRS4 where he has been involved in the research staff of many European and Italian research projects (FP6, MIUR, Interreg.). His versatile disposition drew him to collaborate in projects dealing with meteorology, knowledge-based techniques, geometric modeling, rapid prototyping, quantum computing, grid technologies, hydrology, deployment and capability upgrading of some stand-alone hydro-geological applications on grid infrastructures accessible through web portal, DSS development, development of pedagogical design for adult technology education, knowledge management, knowledge transfer, innovative technology in didactic activities.
Currently is a component of VALE team and cooperates at RIALE-EU (RAS 2023) and RIALHE (ERASMUS+ 2023) projects respectively aiming at: enlarging the experience of RIALE project involving national and European laboratories, with the objective of strengthening the relationship between Sardinian schools and the international scientific world, moreover giving to schools in the rest of Italy the possibility to attend experiments carried out in laboratories in Sardinia; improving the accessibility and quality of scientific education linked to lab experiments, enriching the learning experience through remote online access and real-time interaction with demonstrating scientists. He is involved in a collaborative multidisciplinary Team headed by Carole Salis, to identify the framework based on Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) activities in which the teacher experiences are to be developed.
He worked on: "RIALE" (RAS 2022) that developed a multifunctional platform for innovative teaching applications through remote access to laboratory experiences, from which teachers and students develop learning scenarios; IDEA (RAS 2018) with the aim to enhance and promote the use of technological innovation in schools. guiding and supporting teachers as they experience new practices, new methods and tools, making a sensible use of digital technologies; "Tutti a Iscol@ - linea B2" (RAS 2015) project aiming to reduce early school-leaving and improve students skills and competencies, through extracurricolar laboratories; ANDASA project (funded by Region Sardegna tender: Azioni Cluster con Approccio Top Down (LdA 6.1.1.A del POR Sardegna FESR 2007/2013 - ASSE VI COMPETITIVITÀ - "Promozione e sostegno all'attività di RSI dei Poli di Innovazione e dei progetti strategici")) about the adaptation of a Web-based platform to the artistic, cultural and creative industries in order to fulfill some of their issues as knowing who works in each specific field of art, the artistic results and prodction, the actual local impacts on a specific territory, and how to link artistic productions potentially related; VOICES (EC - FP7) project, about the development of a mobile platform to support rural development in Sub-Saharian Africa; MOMAR project (Italy - France PO Maritime) about the development of an integrated system for monitoring and control of the marine environment; GRIDA3 (FAR D. Lg 297/99), CYBERSAR (PON 2000-2006), DEGREE (EC - FP6 IST) projects about Grid Technology applications on Hydrology; "PIATTAFORMA HW/SW PER IL QUANTUM COMPUTING (PON CONV FESR RICERCA E COMPETITIVITÀ 2000-2006)", project about the development of a software platform for quantum computing; ViVa project (EU-1063, HPPC-SEA Chapter F) about the development of a system able to process three-dimensional (3D) datasets extracted from a Computer Tomography (CT) apparatus and print the corresponding 3d physical models. Was coordinator of local organization of SWAT International Conference 2015 (200 people) and Summer Schools (2013-2014 and 2015 edition - 50 people), and of Seminar Series 2016 (17 events and around 50 attendees each). Moreover cooperated with the IoT (Internet Of Things) schools regional network.
He has co-authored various papers in scientific international journals and conference proceedings and attended as a speaker in various national and international meetings. He has contributed to the writing of project proposal at different levels (EC, national, regional). He has constantly shown the ability to establish and maintain good working relations with people from multicultural backgrounds and transnational environments. He is able of great understanding, friendliness, adaptability, empathy, and politeness in new and ongoing group settings.
Colleagues said that he has a creative personality naturally interested in fostering social relationships, in making connections between seemingly unrelated ideas, in changing over new fields of research and in exploring challenging perspectives.
Since June 2010 he has accepted the challenge of working as a member of Valorization and Transfer of Knowledge (VALE) team.