Since its foundation, CRS4 has been at the forefront of research in data-intensive approaches aimed at creating specific and customized simulations based on the anatomical and physiological characteristics of an individual patient, in order to support medical research and clinical practice.
In 1999, CRS4 was one of the first centers able to simulate the motion of blood flow in the human cardiovascular system.
The first design of our full pipeline was presented in this work: Gassan Abdoulaev, Sandro Cadeddu, Giovanni Delussu, Marco Donizelli, Luca Formaggia, Andrea Giachetti, Enrico Gobbetti, Andrea Leone, Cristina Manzi, Piero Pili, Alan Scheinine, Massimiliano Tuveri, Alberto Varone, Alessandro Veneziani, Gianluigi Zanetti, and Antonio Zorcolo. ViVa: The Virtual Vascular Project. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 22(4): 268-274, December 1998.
One of the very first studies of mathematical models of the human cardiovascular system, as a result of an international collaboration based on CRS4, dates back to those times: Computational vascular fluid dynamics: problems, models and methods; Alfio Quarteroni, Massimiliano Tuveri, Alessandro Veneziani; Computing and Visualization in Science volume 2, pages 163–197 (2000).