The LIFEMAP project - 'From paediatric pathology to cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases in adults: gene mapping for personalised medicine and prevention', submitted on the Traiettoria 3 of the Piano Operativo Salute (POS), ranked second out of 18 eligible for funding and will receive a contribution of EUR 5 million.
IRCCS Ospedale G. Gaslini is the leader of the consortium formed by: CRS4, IRCCS San Raffaele Rome, AORN Santobono-Pausilipon, ASL Teramo, University of L'Aquila, CEFPAS, Telematic University San Raffaele Rome, University of Padua, and University of Enna Kore.
LIFEMap aims to identify paediatric conditions and predictive genetic profiles, as well as environmental risk factors, that correlate with an increased risk of serious diseases in adults. The development of diseases in children may be a precondition for high-impact diseases in adults, and suggests the development of early prevention measures. To this end, the project will:
- will develop a federated DB to integrate genomic and phenotypic data;
- will adopt a dataset of clinical, genomic and environmental (lifestyle) data;
- will analyse new case series, both paediatric and adult (5000 patients), with in depth clinical characterisation;will develop a scalable and reusable platform for analysing and sharing new data;
- will identify genetic variants and profiles associated with the risk of developing obesity, chronic inflammatory diseases, paediatric neoplasms and their complications in later life;
- will develop a framework based on Artificial Intelligence;
- will apply Deep Learning methodologies for Network Medicine;
- will develop and publish a biobank of samples.