CRS4 presents the “Interoperability in Healthcare: Standards, guidelines and challenges“ Scientific School, to be held in the Science and Technology Park of Sardinia in Pula (Cagliari) Italy on September 17th-21st, 2018.
The participants - guided by experts from CRS4, the University of Cagliari, HL7 Italy, IHE and Consorzio Arsenàl - will have the opportunity to gather a high-level overview of interoperability and to acquire practical and technical skills about: the available standards and guidelines, the main institutions promoting integration, the vendor’s perspective.
The School is organized by CRS4, thanks to the financial support and collaboration of Sardegna Ricerche and the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, through grant "Scientific School 2017/18”.
For more details and registration please visit the School web site: