Prof. Giacomo Cao, full professor in the department of mechanical, chemical and materials engineering at the University of Cagliari and president of the Aerospace District of Sardinia (DASS), was confirmed as sole administrator for 3 years at the helm of CRS4 by the shareholders' meeting.
The sole administrator summarized the main achievements of the mandate conferred to him on July 9, 2021: 47 collaboration agreements signed in a non-interest bearing capacity, among them also the one signed with the Association "Sardinia towards UNESCO" for the recognition of nuraghi as a world heritage site; 61 contracts signed for projects and services, with a total value of 4,252. 810 euros; 98 scientific articles, conference proceedings and book chapters published or in the process of publication, 8 of which are signed by the administrator himself, in prestigious international scientific journals; 2 patent applications filed, one of which has the administrator among the inventors; 2 trademarks filed; 32 press releases; 875 releases in local, national and international media; 16 historical precarious workers hired on a permanent basis; implementation of the first performance plan in the history of CRS4 starting from the year 2022; restructuring of the corporate organizational chart to improve its effectiveness and management efficiency; professional analysis of the phenomenon of work-related stress; participation in the Dubai Expo 2021-2022 with an interactive wall owned by the Center located in the Italy Pavilion; €5 million investment for the renewal of the computational infrastructure; activation of a research and development program in the field of quantum computers; activation of the research area "aerospace and digital technologies"; creation of an advisory board (advisory committee) with a high technical and scientific profile at the international level.