CRS4 (Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia) has filed two international patent applications for industrial inventions.
The first patent application, which is related to a "system for detecting interactions with a surface", whose authors are Samuel Iacolina, Gavino Paddeu, Alessandro Soro, Massimo Deriu, Carlino Casari and Pietro Zanarini, can be used, for example, in tourism (exhibitions and fairs), infotainment (reception areas), commerce (interactive shops), teaching and communication in general.
The second patent application concerns the invention of a "method for optimizing tower-type solar power plants", whose author is Lorenzo Pisani. The objective is to develop and make available to the solar industry, software tools to improve the performance of tower systems and reduce the costs associated with their construction.
"The two technologies developed and filed for patenting by CRS4 – said Professor Giacomo Cao, Sole Administrator of CRS4 – represent a further and clear evidence of our potential in different and relevant scientific-technological sectors that can bring a significant feedback to the Sardinia Region both in terms of possible exploitation on the corresponding market sectors as well as national and international visibility in the industrial research which has always been the driving force for the development of every country".
CRS4 is located in the Science and Technology Park of Sardinia (Italy).