The webinar is organized by the Educational Technology group of CRS4, as part of the IDEA project and realized with Sardegna Ricerche Regional Agency and the Sardinian Department of Public Education. The objective of the project is to promote the use of experiment digital technologies by teachers in Sardinian lower and upper secondary schools.
RIALE (Remote Intelligent Access to Lab Experiment) is an educational platform to remotely access scientific experiments both live and in an asynchronous mode.
The webinar will address the role of RIALE in the IDEA project; the interactions between classes and the laboratory; the description of the RIALE approach in terms of teaching and technology. Moreover, it will address the biology issues faced by this first RIALE experiment in which the most commonly used genetic diagnosis procedures will be simulated, starting from sequencing the DNA till the identification of the pathogenic mutation thanks to the activities carried out in CRS4 Next Generation Sequencing Laboratory.
A number of technical and scientific aspects of new generation sequencing technologies (NGS) will be explored, drawing the attention on the exome sequencing (Whole Exome Sequencing) and its use in the study of rare genetics diseases.
Federica Isidori has a master’s degree in health biology (Dec. 2015) and in March 2020 obtained a Phd in Cardio Nephro Thoracic Sciences from the University of Bologna. She is presently working in the Medical Genetics Laboratory of the Policlinico S. Orsola Malpighi of Bologna, where she focuses on oncological genetics in a research project aiming at analyzing the molecular profile of cancers of the gastrointestinal apparatus, in particular esophageal cancer using different molecular approaches.
During her studies and research she developed strong technical and professional skills in the theoretical and technical aspects of the Next Generation Sequencing methodologies; in bioinformatics analysis applied to human genetics and in the detection of mutations responsible for genetic diseases. She participated to a number of meetings and national and international workshops.
Federica has experience in tutoring activities for students of the three year degree and master’s degree students, giving them support in lab activities and in the preparation of their final thesis. For two years in a row, she gave support to high school teachers and students in the teaching of a course in genetics.
For the Istituto Tecnico “Saffi/Alberti” of Forlì she held a computer science laboratory on the theme of international databases, bioinformatics analysis and risk calculation. Since January 2020 she collaborates with CRS4 for the IDEA project , providing scientific support to the realization of an NGS experiment to be used as educational tool for students.
Davide Zedda has a background in physics and teaches computer sciences in the “M. Giua” Insitute of Cagliari. He has always worked in field of Information Society (IBM, University of Cagliari, Hydrocontrol), and has a strong interest in research. This aspiration became a reality with his collaboration with the Educational Technology group of CRS4, specifically for the IDEA project, the objective of which is to help teachers to use technologies that have good potential to increase the value of educational paths.
Davide acted as a bridge between schools and the project. Currently, the educational topics studied are: Computational Thinking, Robotics, IoT, Databases, Web App, Mobile App, Artificial Intelligence, Object-Oriented Programming, developed mainly with the Arduino and Microsoft platforms.
The webinar is free and open to all, but to participate, registration is required