
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Information Filtering and Retrieval

The proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Information Filtering and Retrieval are available for instant download on the official website. The 7th International Workshop on Information Filtering and Retrieval was co-located with the 13th Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2013), Turin, December 6, 2013. The proceedings are edited by Cristian…

hl7apy: a new open source HL7 Python library by CRS4

We are pleased to announce the release of our open source HL7 Python library: hl7apy.HL7 is the most important international standard for interoperability in the field of healthcare informatics, that is one of the main focus areas of the Healthcare Flows Group at CRS4. "hl7apy" is a lightweight library, fully compliant with HL7 consortium specifications,…

hl7apy: a new open source HL7 Python library by CRS4

[label style="info"]December 12, 2013[/label] We are pleased to announce the release of our open source HL7 Python library: hl7apy. HL7 is the most important international standard for interoperability in the field of healthcare informatics, that is one of the main focus areas of the Healthcare Flows Group at CRS4. "hl7apy" is a lightweight library, fully…

Progetto SPeeD, piattaforma di Smart Parking per la disabilità

La società Liberologico, con sede a Pisa e a Pula, Cagliari, nel Parco Tecnologico della Sardegna, in collaborazione con CRS4, Associazione Ciechi Ipovedenti Retinopatici Sardi e con la onlus FISH Sardegna, svilupperà una piattaforma di Smart Parking denominata SpeeD: "Smart Parking and Infoparking for Disabled". Il progetto SPeeD, cofinanziato da Sardegna Ricerche, propone una soluzione…

Il CRS4 a SIGGRAPH Asia 2013

SIGGGRAPH Asia 2013, uno degli eventi di computer graphics più importanti a livello mondiale, si terrà quest'anno dal 19 al 22 Novembre  a Hong Kong. Il simposio Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications riguarda lo sviluppo di applicazioni per dispositivi mobili, sotto il profilo hardware e software, per la computer graphics, le animazioni, il social networking,…

CRS4 at SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Symposium on Mobile Graphics

SIGGRAPH Asia 2013, one of the most important events for the international computer graphics and interactive techniques community, takes place from 19 to 22 November 2013 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. The Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications program within SIGGRAPH Asia aims to cover the development, technology and marketing of mobile applications, including…

Stage Istituto Tecnico Industriale Angioy di Sassari

Stage curriculare al CRS4, fino al 29 Novembre 2013, per quattro studenti e due docenti dell'Istituto Tecnico Industriale Angioy di Sassari. Gli studenti seguiranno un percorso di formazione, a cura della piattaforma HPCN del CRS4, inerente il calcolo ad alte prestazioni e la creazione di un mini laboratorio di rete e sperimentazioni su nuovi apparati. 

Il CRS4 al convegno Fluid Mechanics and Chemistry for Safety issues in HLM nuclear reactors

Nel corso del Ciclo di Lezioni "Fluid Mechanics and Chemistry for Safety issues in HLM nuclear reactors", dedicate allo stato dell'arte della meccanica dei fluidi, della chimica e della sicurezza per i reattori nucleari a metallo liquido pesante, Vincent Moreau, ricercatore del CRS4 (Programma Ingegneria di Processo e Combustione), interverrà con una relazione dal titolo:…

Ken Burns America PBS adopts NotreDAM platform by CRS4

The NotreDAM platform, developed by CRS4 within the DistrICT Lab initiative, has been adopted by the project "Ken Burns America" of the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), as the back-office digital library. PBS, a non-profit corporation bringing together more than 350 public TV stations in the United States, is a multi-platform leader that serves Americans through…