VASCO: A Virtual Studio for Security Concepts and Operations
Funded by: EU Seventh Framework Program
Reference: 607737
Start: 2014-03-01
Duration: 36 months
Coordinator: DIGINEXT
Contractor: CNR
Contractor: CRS4
Contractor: Immersion SAS
Contractor: Center for Security Studies
Contractor: CrisisPlan
The Netherlands
Contractor: Swedish National Defense College
The concentration of government buildings within urban environments has become a source of serious security vulnerability. Administrators and
security experts face a variety of evolving threats that are hard to anticipate. To secure a government building against multiple threats while
maintaining a minimal level of transparency and accessibility requires an integral security approach. It demands interdisciplinary collaboration
between different experts from different domains. Currently, there is no efficient method or tool that allows the experts of different stripes to efficiently
design, evaluate and implement appropriate security concepts. Existing ones do not allow for the effective creation, analysis, assessment, and
sharing of security concepts that will help government administrators provide a secure environment for personnel and citizens.The VASCO project
addresses two important objectives. First, it will design, implement and evaluate an innovative IT tool that will enable security professionals and
administrators to jointly formulate, test, and adjust security concepts and measures in a virtual environment. This provides a cost-effective and risk-
free environment in which to devise an evidence-based, all-risk approach for the protection of government buildings. Second, it will produce a
knowledge and best practice database, which captures dynamic and visual reference scenarios created with the VASCO system. To accomplish
these aims, the project will adopt an iterative methodology that enables the constant involvement of its world-class security and crisis management
experts, assisted by a solid and open user group, during the whole project. It makes use of the latest advances in interactive visualisation, simulation,
crisis management, and artificial intelligence to provide end-users with an unprecedented tool that dramatically improves the way in which they
collaborate to secure critical government assets both at home and abroad.
CRS4, together with ISTI-CNR, will concentrate on techniques for acquisition and exploration of indoor environments.
[2] Valeria Garro, Giovanni Pintore, Fabio Ganovelli, Enrico Gobbetti, and Roberto Scopigno. Fast Metric Acquisition with Mobile Devices. In Proc. 21st International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV). Pages 29-36, October 2016. DOI: 10.2312/vmv.20161339.
[4] Alexandre Ahmad, Olivier Balet, Arjen Boin, Julien Castet, Maureen Donnelley, Fabio Ganovelli, George Kokkinis, and Giovanni Pintore. Assessing the Security of Buildings: A Virtual Studio Solution. In 13th International Conference for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), May 2016.