CRS4 Visual Computing Group
Core Competence
Multiresolution Modeling, Time-Critical Rendering, External Memory Algorithms,
Efficient Rendering on Programmable Graphics Hardware,
Visual and Haptic Virtual Environments, Scientific Visualisation, Surgical Simulation.
The Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia (CRS4) is
an interdisciplinary applied research centre based in Pula (CA), Italy.
Computer graphics activities activities have been carried out at CRS4 since its
creation in 1991, in the framework of the Scientific Visualization
Group, whose main focus was on developing efficient
visualization techniques to be applied to problems arising from
scientific simulations. The Visual Computing
group, (ViC), formerly Visualization and Virtual Reality Group (VVR),
extends these activities to span outside the scientific visualization
boundaries and deal with advanced applications of
visual simulation techniques.
The group is directed by Enrico Gobbetti, and
is currently composed of seven full-staff researchers and software
Rooms and Locations
CRS4 is located in building 1 of the POLARIS Science and Technology Park,
about 40Km West of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy (see here
for directions).
Most of the infrastructure and activities of the group are
being financed by industrial and government projects.
Current Structure
The Visual Computing group is
one of the seven groups that structure CRS4 research and
development activities. It cooperates with all other
research groups at CRS4 on multidisciplinary research projects
and also supports them with specialized visualization
Most of the group's research activities are carried out
in the context of large national and international projects.
For more details please see the CRS4 Scientific Report.
Current Research
CRS4 develops and applies innovative solutions across a broad range of
important areas by leveraging its key strengths in several scientific and
technological disciplines. These areas encompass large-scale computational
problems that require application of advanced simulation techniques supported
by High Performance Computing and the timely integration of newly emerging
Information and Communications Technology. The focus is on problems
stemming from natural, social and industrial environments. The aim is the
development and analysis of appropriate mathematical models, their
numerical solution by advanced algorithms and innovative software tools for
programming and visualization, as well as the validation and assessment of
results based on benchmark problems.
The research goal of CRS4 Visual Computing
group is to develop powerful
interactive 3D tools for scientific visualization and visual
Current projects range from desktop 3D tools to immersive
virtual environments with haptic feedback. In particular, our team
is currently focusing on real-time medical simulation, time-critical visualization
of large scale terrain databases, and interactive visualization of global illumination solutions.
Check our projects, publications, and
multimedia pages
for more information on our activities.
Important Recent Project Participations
Ongoing externally funded research projects
Recently completed externally funded research projects
| ENERGIDRICA: Energy Efficiency in Water Network Management Funded by MUR under contract MUR-ENERGIDRICA
| PAM: Advanced platform for massive analysis and digital medicine Funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna under contract RAS Art. 9 L.R.20/2015
| EVOCATION: Advanced Visual and Geometric Computing for 3D Capture, Display, and Fabrication Funded by EU H2020 under contract H2020-MSCA-ITN-813170
| AMAC: Mobile acquisition of complex environments Funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna under contract CUP J76C18000230002
| 3DCLOUDPRO: 3D Cloud Professional Funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna under contract PIA 2013
| TDM: Tessuto Digitale Metropolitano (Digital Metropolitan Fabric) Funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, POR FESR 2014-2020, Azione 1.2.2 POR FESR Sardegna 2014-2020 under contract DELIBERAZIONE RAS N. 66/14 DEL 13.12.2016
| MONTEPRAMA4: 3D digitization and exploration of Mont'e Prama Statues Funded by MIBAC/ArcheoSAR under contract ARCHEOSAR/CRS4 CIPE-93/2012
| MUSEOLIQUIDO: 3D scanning pipeline theory and practice Funded by MIBAC/ArcheoSAR under contract ARCHEOSAR/MUSEOLIQUIDO
| Scan4Reco: Multimodal Scanning of Cultural Heritage Assets for their multilayered digitization and preventive conservation via spatiotemporal 4D Reconstruction and 3D Printing Funded by EU H2020 under contract H2020-REFLECTIVE-7-2014 665091
| HELIOS: High-Fidelity Exploration of Annotated 3D Cultural Objects Funded by RAS under contract L.R. 7/2007 - Ann. 2014
| MONTEPRAMA3: 3D virtual exploration of the Mont'e Prama statues - Sassari and Rome installation Funded by MIBAC/ArcheoSSNU under contract ARCHEOSSNU/CRS4 2
| GEXCEL-MPCMV-2.3.4: Massive Point Cloud Management and Visualization Funded by Gexcel under contract RTD contract
| YDC2-1: Layout analysis research Funded by Yale University under contract Yale/CRS4 Agreement 20140325
| MONTEPRAMA2: 3D virtual exploration of the Mont'e Prama statues Funded by MIBAC/ArcheoCAOR under contract ARCHEOCAOR/CRS4 2
| VASCO: A Virtual Studio for Security Concepts and Operations Funded by EU Seventh Framework Program under contract 607737
| TADES: Enabling technologies for archival, distribution, and exploration of high-resolution triangulated 3D surfaces models Funded by POR Sardegna FESR 2007/2013/Asse VI-6.1.1.A/Azioni Cluster Top Down under contract TADES
| MONTEPRAMA1: 3D digitization of the Mont'e Prama statues Funded by MIBAC/ArcheoCAOR under contract ARCHEOCAOR/CRS4 1
| MANESCO: Advanced computational methods for color and shape digitization of large 3D scenes Funded by POR FESR 2007-2013 Asse VI/6.2.2.i and 6.2.3.a under contract E75C13000230007
| DIVA: Data Intensive Visualization and Analysis Funded by EU Seventh Framework Program under contract 290277
| INDIGO: Innovative Training and Decision Support for Emergency Operations Funded by EU Seventh Framework Program under contract 242341
| SBLGSM-IRAD: Small-body Low-Gravity Surface Mobility Funded by Johns Hopkins University under contract 967735
| SPSRD-IRAD: Accurate and realistic portrayal of planetary terrain data at interactive update rates to support simulation for planetary surface robotics development Funded by Johns Hopkins University under contract 950916
| GEXCEL-MPCMV-1: Massive Point Cloud Management and Visualization Funded by Gexcel under contract RTD contract
| RATMAN-RER3D: Rapidly Adaptive Terrain Models Available on the Net: Reuse Funded by SardegnaIT under contract D. Lgs. 82/05
| V-CITY: The Virtual City Funded by EU Seventh Framework Program under contract ICT-231199-V-CITY
| DISTRICT-LAB3D: Acquisition, Distribution, and Visualization of Complex 3D Models Laboratory Funded by Regione Sardegna under contract POR Sardegna 2000-2006 Misura 3.13
| 3DANATOMICALHUMAN: 3D Anatomical Functional Models for the Human Musculoskeletal System Funded by EU Marie Curie Program under contract MRTN-CT-2006-035763
| RATMAN-SIT1: Rapidly Adaptive Terrain Models Available on the Net: Framework Extensions Funded by SardegnaIT under contract Contenuti Digitali - D.Lgs. 163/06 2b - L.R. 5/07 1a
| CYBERSAR: Cyberinfrastructure for technological and scientific research in Sardinia Funded by Italian Ministry of Instruction, University, and Research under contract CYBERSAR
| BOEING777: Real-time Display of very large 3D Commercial Airplanes Models Funded by CRS4/Boeing Agreement under contract 11357
| COHERENT: Collaborative Holographic Environments for Networked Tasks Funded by EU Sixth Framework Program under contract IST-FP6-510166
| CRIMSON: The Crisis Simulation System Funded by EU Sixth Framework Program under contract SEC4-PR-011500
| CSR-VIC-TERRAIN3D: Rapidly Adaptive Terrain Models Available on the Net Funded by Sardinian Regional Authorities under contract CSR
| EYESIM: Cataract Surgery Simulator Funded by DIES Group under contract DIES2
| VS: Vascular Simulator Funded by DIES Group under contract DIES1
| IERAPSI: An Integrated Environment for Rehearsal And Planning of Surgical Interventions Funded by EU Fifth Framework Program under contract IST-1999-12175
| DIVERCITY: Distributed Virtual Workspace for Enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry Funded by EU Fifth Framework Program under contract IST-1999-13365
| VPLANET: The Virtual Planet Funded by EU Fifth Framework Program under contract IST-2000-28095
| CAVALCADE: Collaborative Virtual Construction and Design Funded by EU Fourth Framework Program under contract ESPRIT-26285
| MIGAVIS: Discontinuous Finite Element Visualization Funded by ENEL Polo Termico under contract MIGAVIS
| VREPAR2: Psycho-Neuro-Physiological Assessment and Rehabilitation 2 Funded by EU Fourth Framework Program under contract TELEMATICS
| VIVA: The Virtual Vascular Project Funded by EU Eureka Program under contract EU-1063, HPPC-SEA Chapter F
| MIRRORS: Mirror Neurons and the Observation/Execution Matching System Funded by Human Frontiers Science Program under contract MIRRORS
| URBAN: Uniformed Reconstructions of the Brain Available on the Net Funded by Italian Ministry of Instruction, University, and Research under contract D. D. 784 Ric. 24/07/2001
| LAPS: Advanced Laboratory for Computer-Aided Design and Simulation Funded by Italian Ministry of Instruction, University, and Research under contract D. M. 645 4/101997, Cluster 22, Project 41D
| BRAIN: Software Tools for Primate Brain Reconstruction from Histological Sections Funded by University of Parma under contract BRAIN
Important Scientific Collaborations and Industrial Partners
CNES, France; CS SI, France; CSTB, France; DLR, Germany;
ENEL PTE, Italy; ESA, The Netherlands; ETH, Switzerlan; FFNS, France;
IGN, France; ISTI/CNR, Italy.