Current Projects

ECHOES: European Cloud for Heritage Open Science
Funded by Horizon Europe under contract EU Grant Agreement 101157364
XNAB: Creation and exploration of multifaceted neuroanatomical brain models
Funded by MUR PNRR M4C2 - Investimento 1.3 - Avviso Partenariati Estesi MNESYS under contract MNESYS-XNAB
AIN2: Artificial Intelligence for Indoor Digital Twins
Funded by QNRF under contract NPRP15S-0405-210132
REFLEX: REFLectance EXploration: improving the acquisition, distribution, and exploration of multi-light image collections for surface characterization and analysis
Funded by MUR PRIN 2022 under contract REFLEX
AFFINE: Smart Fusion for Indoor Environments
Funded by RAS - Aiuti per Progetti di Ricerca e Sviluppo - Settore ICT under contract CUP J73C23000150002
HPCCN: National Center for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing Spoke 9 Digital Society and Smart Cities
Funded by MUR under contract MUR PNRR M4C2 - Investimento 1.4 - Avviso Centri Nazionali
CA-DIG-LAB: Cagliari Digital Lab
Funded by Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy - Bando Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti 2022 under contract CA-DIG-LAB
H2HUB: Hybrid Hub: Cellular and computation models, micro- and nano-technologies for personalized innovative therapies
Funded by Ministero della Salute - Piano Operativo Salute - Traiettoria 4 “Biotecnologia, bioinformatica e sviluppo farmaceutico" under contract POS T4 H2HUB
LIFEMAP: From pediatric pathology to cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases in adults: genomic mapping for personalized medicine and prevention
Funded by Ministero della Salute - Piano Operativo Salute - Traiettoria 3 under contract POS T3 LIFEMAP

Completed Projects

ENERGIDRICA: Energy Efficiency in Water Network Management
Funded by MUR under contract MUR-ENERGIDRICA
PAM: Advanced platform for massive analysis and digital medicine
Funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna under contract RAS Art. 9 L.R.20/2015
EVOCATION: Advanced Visual and Geometric Computing for 3D Capture, Display, and Fabrication
Funded by EU H2020 under contract H2020-MSCA-ITN-813170
AMAC: Mobile acquisition of complex environments
Funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna under contract CUP J76C18000230002
3DCLOUDPRO: 3D Cloud Professional
Funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna under contract PIA 2013
TDM: Tessuto Digitale Metropolitano (Digital Metropolitan Fabric)
Funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, POR FESR 2014-2020, Azione 1.2.2 POR FESR Sardegna 2014-2020 under contract DELIBERAZIONE RAS N. 66/14 DEL 13.12.2016
MONTEPRAMA4: 3D digitization and exploration of Mont'e Prama Statues
Funded by MIBAC/ArcheoSAR under contract ARCHEOSAR/CRS4 CIPE-93/2012
MUSEOLIQUIDO: 3D scanning pipeline theory and practice
Funded by MIBAC/ArcheoSAR under contract ARCHEOSAR/MUSEOLIQUIDO
Scan4Reco: Multimodal Scanning of Cultural Heritage Assets for their multilayered digitization and preventive conservation via spatiotemporal 4D Reconstruction and 3D Printing
Funded by EU H2020 under contract H2020-REFLECTIVE-7-2014 665091
HELIOS: High-Fidelity Exploration of Annotated 3D Cultural Objects
Funded by RAS under contract L.R. 7/2007 - Ann. 2014
MONTEPRAMA3: 3D virtual exploration of the Mont'e Prama statues - Sassari and Rome installation
Funded by MIBAC/ArcheoSSNU under contract ARCHEOSSNU/CRS4 2
GEXCEL-MPCMV-2.3.4: Massive Point Cloud Management and Visualization
Funded by Gexcel under contract RTD contract
YDC2-1: Layout analysis research
Funded by Yale University under contract Yale/CRS4 Agreement 20140325
MONTEPRAMA2: 3D virtual exploration of the Mont'e Prama statues
Funded by MIBAC/ArcheoCAOR under contract ARCHEOCAOR/CRS4 2
VASCO: A Virtual Studio for Security Concepts and Operations
Funded by EU Seventh Framework Program under contract 607737
TADES: Enabling technologies for archival, distribution, and exploration of high-resolution triangulated 3D surfaces models
Funded by POR Sardegna FESR 2007/2013/Asse VI-6.1.1.A/Azioni Cluster Top Down under contract TADES
MONTEPRAMA1: 3D digitization of the Mont'e Prama statues
Funded by MIBAC/ArcheoCAOR under contract ARCHEOCAOR/CRS4 1
MANESCO: Advanced computational methods for color and shape digitization of large 3D scenes
Funded by POR FESR 2007-2013 Asse VI/6.2.2.i and 6.2.3.a under contract E75C13000230007
DIVA: Data Intensive Visualization and Analysis
Funded by EU Seventh Framework Program under contract 290277
INDIGO: Innovative Training and Decision Support for Emergency Operations
Funded by EU Seventh Framework Program under contract 242341
SBLGSM-IRAD: Small-body Low-Gravity Surface Mobility
Funded by Johns Hopkins University under contract 967735
SPSRD-IRAD: Accurate and realistic portrayal of planetary terrain data at interactive update rates to support simulation for planetary surface robotics development
Funded by Johns Hopkins University under contract 950916
GEXCEL-MPCMV-1: Massive Point Cloud Management and Visualization
Funded by Gexcel under contract RTD contract
RATMAN-RER3D: Rapidly Adaptive Terrain Models Available on the Net: Reuse
Funded by SardegnaIT under contract D. Lgs. 82/05
V-CITY: The Virtual City
Funded by EU Seventh Framework Program under contract ICT-231199-V-CITY
DISTRICT-LAB3D: Acquisition, Distribution, and Visualization of Complex 3D Models Laboratory
Funded by Regione Sardegna under contract POR Sardegna 2000-2006 Misura 3.13
3DANATOMICALHUMAN: 3D Anatomical Functional Models for the Human Musculoskeletal System
Funded by EU Marie Curie Program under contract MRTN-CT-2006-035763
RATMAN-SIT1: Rapidly Adaptive Terrain Models Available on the Net: Framework Extensions
Funded by SardegnaIT under contract Contenuti Digitali - D.Lgs. 163/06 2b - L.R. 5/07 1a
CYBERSAR: Cyberinfrastructure for technological and scientific research in Sardinia
Funded by Italian Ministry of Instruction, University, and Research under contract CYBERSAR
BOEING777: Real-time Display of very large 3D Commercial Airplanes Models
Funded by CRS4/Boeing Agreement under contract 11357
COHERENT: Collaborative Holographic Environments for Networked Tasks
Funded by EU Sixth Framework Program under contract IST-FP6-510166
CRIMSON: The Crisis Simulation System
Funded by EU Sixth Framework Program under contract SEC4-PR-011500
CSR-VIC-TERRAIN3D: Rapidly Adaptive Terrain Models Available on the Net
Funded by Sardinian Regional Authorities under contract CSR
EYESIM: Cataract Surgery Simulator
Funded by DIES Group under contract DIES2
VS: Vascular Simulator
Funded by DIES Group under contract DIES1
IERAPSI: An Integrated Environment for Rehearsal And Planning of Surgical Interventions
Funded by EU Fifth Framework Program under contract IST-1999-12175
DIVERCITY: Distributed Virtual Workspace for Enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry
Funded by EU Fifth Framework Program under contract IST-1999-13365
VPLANET: The Virtual Planet
Funded by EU Fifth Framework Program under contract IST-2000-28095
CAVALCADE: Collaborative Virtual Construction and Design
Funded by EU Fourth Framework Program under contract ESPRIT-26285
MIGAVIS: Discontinuous Finite Element Visualization
Funded by ENEL Polo Termico under contract MIGAVIS
VREPAR2: Psycho-Neuro-Physiological Assessment and Rehabilitation 2
Funded by EU Fourth Framework Program under contract TELEMATICS
VIVA: The Virtual Vascular Project
Funded by EU Eureka Program under contract EU-1063, HPPC-SEA Chapter F
MIRRORS: Mirror Neurons and the Observation/Execution Matching System
Funded by Human Frontiers Science Program under contract MIRRORS
URBAN: Uniformed Reconstructions of the Brain Available on the Net
Funded by Italian Ministry of Instruction, University, and Research under contract D. D. 784 Ric. 24/07/2001
LAPS: Advanced Laboratory for Computer-Aided Design and Simulation
Funded by Italian Ministry of Instruction, University, and Research under contract D. M. 645 4/101997, Cluster 22, Project 41D
BRAIN: Software Tools for Primate Brain Reconstruction from Histological Sections
Funded by University of Parma under contract BRAIN