Automatic Geometric Calibration of Projector-based Light-field Displays
Marco Agus, Enrico Gobbetti, Alberto Jaspe Villanueva, Giovanni Pintore, and Ruggero Pintus
June 2013
Continuous multiview (light-field) projection-based displays employ an array of projectors, mirrors, and a selectively transmissive screen to produce a light field. By appropriately modeling the display geometry, the light beams can emulate the emission from physical objects at fixed spatial locations, providing multiple freely moving viewers the illusion of interacting with floating objects. This paper presents a novel calibration method for this class of displays using a single uncalibrated camera and four fiducial markers. Calibration starts from a simple parametric description of the display layout. First, individual projectors are calibrated through parametric optimization of an idealized pinhole model. Then, the overall display and projector parameterization is globally optimized. Finally, independently for each projector, remaining errors are corrected through a rational 2D warping function. The final parameters are available to rendering engines to quickly compute forward and backward projections. The technique is demonstrated in the calibration of a large-scale horizontal-parallax-only 35MPixels light field display.
Reference and download information
Marco Agus, Enrico Gobbetti, Alberto Jaspe Villanueva, Giovanni Pintore, and Ruggero Pintus. Automatic Geometric Calibration of Projector-based Light-field Displays. In Proc. Eurovis Short Papers. Pages 1-5, June 2013. Eurographics Association.
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Bibtex citation record
@InProceedings{Agus:2013:CDS, author = {Marco Agus and Enrico Gobbetti and Alberto {Jaspe Villanueva} and Giovanni Pintore and Ruggero Pintus}, title = {Automatic Geometric Calibration of Projector-based Light-field Displays}, booktitle = {Proc. Eurovis Short Papers}, organization = {Eurographics Association}, pages = {1--5}, month = {June}, year = {2013}, abstract = { Continuous multiview (light-field) projection-based displays employ an array of projectors, mirrors, and a selectively transmissive screen to produce a light field. By appropriately modeling the display geometry, the light beams can emulate the emission from physical objects at fixed spatial locations, providing multiple freely moving viewers the illusion of interacting with floating objects. This paper presents a novel calibration method for this class of displays using a single uncalibrated camera and four fiducial markers. Calibration starts from a simple parametric description of the display layout. First, individual projectors are calibrated through parametric optimization of an idealized pinhole model. Then, the overall display and projector parameterization is globally optimized. Finally, independently for each projector, remaining errors are corrected through a rational 2D warping function. The final parameters are available to rendering engines to quickly compute forward and backward projections. The technique is demonstrated in the calibration of a large-scale horizontal-parallax-only 35MPixels light field display. }, url = {'Agus:2013:CDS'}, }
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