
BDAM - Batched Dynamic Adaptive Meshes for High Performance Terrain Visualization

Paolo Cignoni, Fabio Ganovelli, Enrico Gobbetti, Fabio Marton, Federico Ponchio, and Roberto Scopigno

September 2003


This paper describes an efficient technique for out-of-core rendering and management of large textured terrain surfaces. The technique, called Batched Dynamic Adaptive Meshes (BDAM), is based on a paired tree structure: a tiled quadtree for texture data and a pair of bintrees of small triangular patches for the geometry. These small patches are TINs that are constructed and optimized off-line with high quality simplification and tristripping algorithms. Hierarchical view frustum culling and view-dependendent texture and geometry refinement is performed at each frame with a stateless traversal algorithm that renders a continuous adaptive terrain surface by assembling out of core data. Thanks to the batched CPU/GPU communication model, the proposed technique is not processor intensive and fully harnesses the power of current graphics hardware. Both preprocessing and rendering exploit out of core techniques to be fully scalable and be able to manage large terrain datasets.

Reference and download information

Paolo Cignoni, Fabio Ganovelli, Enrico Gobbetti, Fabio Marton, Federico Ponchio, and Roberto Scopigno. BDAM - Batched Dynamic Adaptive Meshes for High Performance Terrain Visualization. Computer Graphics Forum, 22(3): 505-514, September 2003. Proc. Eurographics 2003 - Second Best Paper Award.

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Bibtex citation record

    author = {Paolo Cignoni and Fabio Ganovelli and Enrico Gobbetti and Fabio Marton and Federico Ponchio and Roberto Scopigno},
    title = {{BDAM} -- Batched Dynamic Adaptive Meshes for High Performance Terrain Visualization},
    journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
    volume = {22},
    number = {3},
    pages = {505--514},
    publisher = {Blackwell Publishers},
    address = {Oxford, England},
    month = {September},
    year = {2003},
    abstract = { This paper describes an efficient technique for out-of-core rendering and management of large textured terrain surfaces. The technique, called Batched Dynamic Adaptive Meshes (\textit{BDAM}), is based on a paired tree structure: a tiled quadtree for texture data and a pair of bintrees of small triangular patches for the geometry. These small patches are TINs that are constructed and optimized off-line with high quality simplification and tristripping algorithms. Hierarchical view frustum culling and view-dependendent texture and geometry refinement is performed at each frame with a stateless traversal algorithm that renders a continuous adaptive terrain surface by assembling out of core data. Thanks to the batched CPU/GPU communication model, the proposed technique is not processor intensive and fully harnesses the power of current graphics hardware. Both preprocessing and rendering exploit out of core techniques to be fully scalable and be able to manage large terrain datasets.},
    note = {Proc. Eurographics 2003 -- Second Best Paper Award},
    url = {'Cignoni:2003:BBD'},