TADES: Enabling technologies for archival, distribution, and exploration of high-resolution triangulated 3D surfaces models
Funded by: POR Sardegna FESR 2007/2013/Asse VI-6.1.1.A/Azioni Cluster Top Down
Reference: TADES
Start: 2014-01-15
Duration: 18 months
Coordinator: CRS4
The project aims to develop an open source software platform for scalable storage, distribution, and interactive exploration of finely tessellated 3D triangulated surface models. The proposed approach strives to respond to the following problems: automation and reduction of the time of preparation of 3D models; preservation of the geometrical quality and color; scalability and ubiquity of the presentation.
[1] Marcos Balsa Rodriguez, Marco Agus, Fabio Marton, and Enrico Gobbetti. HuMoRS: Huge models Mobile Rendering System. In Proc. ACM Web3D International Symposium. Pages 7-16, August 2014. ACM Press. New York, NY, USA.
Main offices:
Visual Computing Group
Ex-Distilleria, Via Ampere 2
09134 Cagliari (CA), ITALY
Secondary offices:
Visual Computing Group
Sardegna Ricerche Edificio 1
C.P. 25
09010 Pula (CA), ITALY