Video n. 132

Collaborative immersive visualization without goggles - experiences in developing a holographics display system for medical applications

Fabio Bettio, Francesca Frexia, Enrico Gobbetti, Gianni Pintore, Gianluigi Zanetti, Tibor Balogh, Tamas Forgacs, Tibor Agocs, and Eric Bouvier

Presented at the Fifth MIMOS Conference, November 2005.

  • Date: 11/2005
  • Production: CRS4 - D
  • Encoding: DivX
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    In this contribution, we report on the development of a novel holographic display technology that targets multiple freely moving naked eye viewers and of a collaborative medical application prototype that aims at exploiting this technology to provide medical specialists with a truly interactive 3D collaborative environment for diagnostic discussions and/or pre-operative planning.

    Related Publications

    [1] Fabio Bettio, Francesca Frexia, Enrico Gobbetti, Giovanni Pintore, Gianluigi Zanetti, Tibor Balogh, Tamas Forgacs, Tibor Agocs, and Eric Bouvier. Collaborative immersive visualization without goggles - experiences in developing a holographics display system for medical applications. In Proceedings of the Fifth MIMOS Conference, November 2005. CD ROM Proceedings. 

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