Output-sensitive Rendering on Lighf Field Displays
Enrico Gobbetti, Marcos Balsa Rodriguez, Jose Diaz Iriberri, and Alberto Jaspe Villanueva
This deliverable reports on the research results achieved in the field of Output Sensitive Rendering Techniques, covered in the project's Work Package 3. We list the contributions from the main involved partners, we summarize the project publications, classifying them in terms of the main data kind handled, list the awards received, and summarize the events that have used the developed technology.
Reference and download information
Enrico Gobbetti, Marcos Balsa Rodriguez, Jose Diaz Iriberri, and Alberto Jaspe Villanueva. Output-sensitive Rendering on Lighf Field Displays. Deliverable D3.1. EU Project DIVA (FP7 290227), 2015.
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Bibtex citation record
@TechReport{Gobbetti:2016:OSR, author = {Enrico Gobbetti and Marcos {Balsa Rodriguez} and Jose {Diaz Iriberri} and Alberto {Jaspe Villanueva}}, title = {Output-sensitive Rendering on Lighf Field Displays}, institution = {EU Project DIVA (FP7 290227)}, type = {Deliverable}, number = {D3.1}, year = {2015}, abstract = { This deliverable reports on the research results achieved in the field of Output Sensitive Rendering Techniques, covered in the project's Work Package 3. We list the contributions from the main involved partners, we summarize the project publications, classifying them in terms of the main data kind handled, list the awards received, and summarize the events that have used the developed technology. }, url = {http://vic.crs4.it/vic/cgi-bin/bib-page.cgi?id='Gobbetti:2016:OSR'}, }
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