Technical Strategies for Massive Model Visualization
Enrico Gobbetti, Dave Kasik, and Sung-eui Yoon
Interactive visualization of massive models still remains a challenging problem. This is mainly due to a combination of ever increasing model complexity with the current hardware design trend that leads to a widening gap between slow data access speed and fast data processing speed. We argue that developing efficient data access and data management techniques is key in solving the problem of interactive visualization of massive models. Particularly, we discuss visibility culling, simplification, cache-coherent layouts, and data compression techniques as efficient data management techniques that enable interactive visualization of massive models.
Reference and download information
Enrico Gobbetti, Dave Kasik, and Sung-eui Yoon. Technical Strategies for Massive Model Visualization. In Proc. ACM Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium. Pages 405-415, 2008. ACM Press. New York, NY, USA.
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Bibtex citation record
@InProceedings{Gobbetti:2008:TSM, author = {Enrico Gobbetti and Dave Kasik and {Sung-eui} Yoon}, title = {Technical Strategies for Massive Model Visualization}, booktitle = {Proc. ACM Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium}, organization = {ACM Press}, pages = {405-415}, publisher = {New York, NY, USA}, year = {2008}, abstract = { Interactive visualization of massive models still remains a challenging problem. This is mainly due to a combination of ever increasing model complexity with the current hardware design trend that leads to a widening gap between slow data access speed and fast data processing speed. We argue that developing efficient data access and data management techniques is key in solving the problem of interactive visualization of massive models. Particularly, we discuss visibility culling, simplification, cache-coherent layouts, and data compression techniques as efficient data management techniques that enable interactive visualization of massive models. }, url = {'Gobbetti:2008:TSM'}, }
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