Marco Agus, Enrico Gobbetti, Fabio Marton, Giovanni Pintore, and Pere-Pau Vázquez
April 2017
The increased availability and performance of mobile graphics terminals, including smartphones and tablets with high resolution screens and powerful GPUs, combined with the increased availability of high-speed mobile data connections, is opening the door to a variety of networked graphics applications. In this world, native apps or mobile sites coexist to reach the goal of providing us access to a wealth of multimedia information while we are on the move. This half-day tutorial provides a technical introduction to the mobile graphics world spanning the hardware-software spectrum, and explores the state of the art and key advances in specific application domains, including capture and acquisition, real-time high-quality 3D rendering and interactive exploration.
Reference and download information
Marco Agus, Enrico Gobbetti, Fabio Marton, Giovanni Pintore, and Pere-Pau Vázquez. Mobile Graphics. In Adrien Bousseau and Diego Gutierrez, editors, Proc. EUROGRAPHICS Tutorials, April 2017. DOI: 10.2312/egt.20171032.
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Bibtex citation record
@InProceedings{Agus:2017:MG, author = {Marco Agus and Enrico Gobbetti and Fabio Marton and Giovanni Pintore and Pere-Pau V{\'a}zquez}, editor = {Adrien Bousseau and Diego Gutierrez}, title = {Mobile Graphics}, booktitle = {Proc. EUROGRAPHICS Tutorials}, month = {April}, year = {2017}, abstract = { The increased availability and performance of mobile graphics terminals, including smartphones and tablets with high resolution screens and powerful GPUs, combined with the increased availability of high-speed mobile data connections, is opening the door to a variety of networked graphics applications. In this world, native apps or mobile sites coexist to reach the goal of providing us access to a wealth of multimedia information while we are on the move. This half-day tutorial provides a technical introduction to the mobile graphics world spanning the hardware-software spectrum, and explores the state of the art and key advances in specific application domains, including capture and acquisition, real-time high-quality 3D rendering and interactive exploration. }, doi = {10.2312/egt.20171032}, url = {'Agus:2017:MG'}, }
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