GPU Accelerated Direct Volume Rendering on an Interactive Light Field Display
Marco Agus, Enrico Gobbetti, José Antonio Iglesias Guitián, Fabio Marton, and Giovanni Pintore
We present a GPU accelerated volume ray casting system interactively driving a multi-user light field display. The display, driven by a single programmable GPU, is based on a specially arranged array of projectors and a holographic screen and provides full horizontal parallax. The characteristics of the display are exploited to develop a specialized volume rendering technique able to provide multiple freely moving naked-eye viewers the illusion of seeing and manipulating virtual volumetric objects floating in the display workspace. In our approach, a GPU ray-caster follows rays generated by a multiple-center-of-projection technique while sampling pre-filtered versions of the dataset at resolutions that match the varying spatial accuracy of the display. The method achieves interactive performance and provides rapid visual understanding of complex volumetric data sets even when using depth oblivious compositing techniques.
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Marco Agus, Enrico Gobbetti, José Antonio Iglesias Guitián, Fabio Marton, and Giovanni Pintore. GPU Accelerated Direct Volume Rendering on an Interactive Light Field Display. Computer Graphics Forum, 27(3): 231-240, 2008. Proc. Eurographics 2008.
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Bibtex citation record
@Article{Agus:2008:GAD, author = {Marco Agus and Enrico Gobbetti and {Jos\'e Antonio} {Iglesias Guiti\'an} and Fabio Marton and Giovanni Pintore}, title = {GPU Accelerated Direct Volume Rendering on an Interactive Light Field Display}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum}, volume = {27}, number = {3}, pages = {231--240}, publisher = {Blackwell Publishers}, address = {Oxford, England}, year = {2008}, abstract = { We present a GPU accelerated volume ray casting system interactively driving a multi-user light field display. The display, driven by a single programmable GPU, is based on a specially arranged array of projectors and a holographic screen and provides full horizontal parallax. The characteristics of the display are exploited to develop a specialized volume rendering technique able to provide multiple freely moving naked-eye viewers the illusion of seeing and manipulating virtual volumetric objects floating in the display workspace. In our approach, a GPU ray-caster follows rays generated by a multiple-center-of-projection technique while sampling pre-filtered versions of the dataset at resolutions that match the varying spatial accuracy of the display. The method achieves interactive performance and provides rapid visual understanding of complex volumetric data sets even when using depth oblivious compositing techniques. }, note = {Proc. Eurographics 2008}, url = {'Agus:2008:GAD'}, }
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