Mont'e Scan: Effective Shape and Color Digitization of Cluttered 3D Artworks
Fabio Bettio, Alberto Jaspe Villanueva, Emilio Merella, Fabio Marton, Enrico Gobbetti, and Ruggero Pintus
We propose an approach for improving the digitization of shape and color of 3D artworks in a cluttered environment using 3D laser scanning and flash photography. In order to separate clutter from acquired material, semi-automated methods are employed to generate masks used to segment the range maps and the color photographs. This approach allows the removal of unwanted 3D and color data prior to the integration of acquired data in a 3D model. Sharp shadows generated by flash acquisition are easily handled by this masking process, and color deviations introduced by the flash light are corrected at the color blending step by taking into account the geometry of the object. The approach has been evaluated on a large scale acquisition campaign of the Mont'e Prama complex. This site contains an extraordinary collection of stone fragments from the Nuragic era, which depict small models of prehistoric nuraghe (cone-shaped stone towers), as well as larger-than-life archers, warriors, and boxers. The acquisition campaign has covered 37 statues mounted on metallic supports. Color and shape were acquired at a resolution of 0.25mm, which resulted in over 6200 range maps (about 1.3G valid samples) and 3817 photographs.
Reference and download information
Fabio Bettio, Alberto Jaspe Villanueva, Emilio Merella, Fabio Marton, Enrico Gobbetti, and Ruggero Pintus. Mont'e Scan: Effective Shape and Color Digitization of Cluttered 3D Artworks. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), 8(1): 4:1-4:23, 2015. DOI: 10.1145/2644823.
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Bibtex citation record
@Article{Bettio:2014:MES, author = {Fabio Bettio and Alberto {Jaspe Villanueva} and Emilio Merella and Fabio Marton and Enrico Gobbetti and Ruggero Pintus}, title = {{Mont'e Scan}: Effective Shape and Color Digitization of Cluttered {3D} Artworks}, journal = {ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH)}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {4:1--4:23}, year = {2015}, abstract = { We propose an approach for improving the digitization of shape and color of 3D artworks in a cluttered environment using 3D laser scanning and flash photography. In order to separate clutter from acquired material, semi-automated methods are employed to generate masks used to segment the range maps and the color photographs. This approach allows the removal of unwanted 3D and color data prior to the integration of acquired data in a 3D model. Sharp shadows generated by flash acquisition are easily handled by this masking process, and color deviations introduced by the flash light are corrected at the color blending step by taking into account the geometry of the object. The approach has been evaluated on a large scale acquisition campaign of the Mont'e Prama complex. This site contains an extraordinary collection of stone fragments from the Nuragic era, which depict small models of prehistoric nuraghe (cone-shaped stone towers), as well as larger-than-life archers, warriors, and boxers. The acquisition campaign has covered 37 statues mounted on metallic supports. Color and shape were acquired at a resolution of 0.25mm, which resulted in over 6200 range maps (about 1.3G valid samples) and 3817 photographs. }, doi = {10.1145/2644823}, url = {'Bettio:2014:MES'}, }
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