
LIFEMAP: From pediatric pathology to cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases in adults: genomic mapping for personalized medicine and prevention

Funded by: Ministero della Salute - Piano Operativo Salute - Traiettoria 3Reference: POS T3 LIFEMAP
Start: 2023-02-13Duration: 48 months
Coordinator: IRCCS Giannina GasliniItaly
Contractor: CRS4Italy
Contractor: AORN Santobono PausilliponItaly
Contractor: ASL TeramoItaly
Contractor: UNIVAQItaly
Contractor: UNIPDItaly
Contractor: UNIKOREItaly
Contractor: UNIROMA5Italy
Contractor: CEFPASItaly


Because the foundations for wellness in adults are often laid early in life, the development of disease in children can be a prerequisite for high-impact diseases in adults, suggesting the development of early preventive measures. LIFEMap aims to identify pediatric conditions and predictive genetic profiles, as well as environmental risk factors, that correlate with an increased risk of serious diseases in the adult. To this end we will: develop a federated database for the integration of genomic and phenotypic data; re-use datasets (≥5,000 patients) of clinical, genomic, and environmental (lifestyle) data for AI analysis; recruit new case series, both pediatric and adult (5,000 patients), with in-depth clinical characterization; develop a scalable and reusable platform for analysis and sharing of new data (1,400 WGS, 3,600 SNPs); identify genetic variants and profiles associated with the risk of developing obesity, chronic inflammatory diseases, pediatric neoplasms, and their complications in adult life; develop an AI analysis framework and apply Deep Learning for Network Medicine; implement a biobank of samples, possibly reusable beyond the end of the project. CRS4 will take part in the project with the following activities: Whole Genome Sequencing on approximately 1,000 samples; development of scalable and reusable platforms for WGS data analysis for variant identification; genomic data modeling, standardization and sharing in international reference platforms; application of scalable platforms for WGS analysis and data sharing; scientific dissemination.