
H2HUB: Hybrid Hub: Cellular and computation models, micro- and nano-technologies for personalized innovative therapies

Funded by: Ministero della Salute - Piano Operativo Salute - Traiettoria 4 “Biotecnologia, bioinformatica e sviluppo farmaceutico"Reference: POS T4 H2HUB
Start: 2023-03-01Duration: 48 months
Coordinator: IRCCS Giannina GasliniItaly
Contractor: CRS4Italy
Contractor: UNIGEItaly
Contractor: UNICAItaly
Contractor: ARNAS G. BrotzuItaly
Contractor: AOU CagliariItaly
Contractor: AORN MoscatiItaly


H2UB is intended to be a Life Science infrastructure aimed at fostering new drug development through a network of laboratories capable of providing basic, translational and preclinical research support using cutting-edge technologies. Governance of the Hub will be centralized and will provide support in regulatory, ethics and management, as well as organizational and dissemination. Expertise will be articulated in thematic platforms that will include: basic research (biobanks of iPS and organoids as models of pathology; identification of specific molecular targets; fabrication of bio-electronic systems for drug evaluation); pre-clinical research (animal models, identification and validation of disease biomarkers through computational data analysis, pharmacodynamics); new drug development (manufacturing, safety monitoring, specificity and formulation); clinical consulting. CRS4 Visual and Data-intensive Computing activities target the study, development and application of scalable pipelines for data analysis and of tools to support digital pathology.