Marco Agus, Andrea Giachetti, Enrico Gobbetti, Bruno Picasso, Stefano Sellari Franceschini, Gianluigi Zanetti, and Antonio Zorcolo
January 2003
We describe a strategy for collecting experimental data and validating a bone-burr haptic contact model developed in a virtual surgical training system for middle ear surgery. The validation strategy is based on the analysis of data acquired during virtual and real burring sessions. Our approach involves intensive testing of the surgical simulator by expert surgeons and trainees as well as experimental data acquisition in a controlled environment.
Reference and download information
Marco Agus, Andrea Giachetti, Enrico Gobbetti, Bruno Picasso, Stefano Sellari Franceschini, Gianluigi Zanetti, and Antonio Zorcolo. A haptic model of a bone-cutting burr. In J. D. Westwood, editor, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2003. Pages 4-10, IOS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, January 2003.
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Bibtex citation record
@InCollection{Agus:2003:HMB, author = {Marco Agus and Andrea Giachetti and Enrico Gobbetti and Bruno Picasso and Stefano Sellari Franceschini and Gianluigi Zanetti and Antonio Zorcolo}, editor = {J. D. Westwood}, title = {A haptic model of a bone-cutting burr}, booktitle = {Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2003}, pages = {4--10}, publisher = {IOS}, address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, month = {January}, year = {2003}, abstract = { We describe a strategy for collecting experimental data and validating a bone-burr haptic contact model developed in a virtual surgical training system for middle ear surgery. The validation strategy is based on the analysis of data acquired during virtual and real burring sessions. Our approach involves intensive testing of the surgical simulator by expert surgeons and trainees as well as experimental data acquisition in a controlled environment.}, url = {'Agus:2003:HMB'}, }
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