The ICSC National Research Centre for High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing promotes national and international-level innovation, building on a state-of-the-art infrastructure for computation and big data management. The Center focuses, on the one hand, on the maintenance and enhancement of the Italian HPC and Big Data infrastructure and, on the other hand, on the development of advanced numerical methods and applications, software tools and workflows, to integrate the computation, simulation, collection and analysis of data of interest to the research system and the productive and social system, including through cloud and distributed approaches. It engages and promotes the best interdisciplinary expertise in science and engineering, enabling radical and sustainable innovations in fields ranging from basic research to computational and experimental sciences of climate, environment, space, matter and life, epidemiology, materials technologies, and future systems and devices for IT and the production system at large. The Center supports higher education and promotes policy development for responsible data management from an open data and open science perspective, combining regulatory, standardization and compliance profiles. CRS4 participates in the project in Spoke 9 (Digital Cities) through [a] the research and development of AI solutions to infer, from visual data or other measurements, of 3D structured models of buildings; [b] solutions to improve the quality and reliability of digital twins by fostering composability, interoperability, reusability and reproducibility of datasets, computational tools and their results; [c] the study and development of probabilistic methods for forecasting electricity consumption and renewable generation for individuals and smart and artificial intelligence methods for electricity consumption analysis and non-intrusive disaggregation of household electric loads.