Enrico Gobbetti, Ruggero Pintus, Fabio Bettio, Fabio Marton, Roberto Combet, Emilio Merella, Marco Agus, Giovanni Pintore, Antonio Zorcolo, Marcos Balsa Rodriguez, Alberto Jaspe Villanueva, Katia Brigaglia, and Cinzia Sardu
Date: May 2015
Production: CRS4
Encoding: h264
The video outlines the main outcomes of the Digital Mont'e Prama project, which started from a large scale acquisition campaign of the Mont'e Prama complex, an extraordinary collection of stone fragments from the Nuragic era, depicting larger-than-life archers, warriors, boxers, as well as small models of prehistoric nuraghe (cone-shaped stone towers). The acquisition campaign has covered 36 statues mounted on metallic supports, acquired at 0.25mm resolution, resulting in over 6200 range scans (over 1.3G valid samples) and over 3400 10Mpixel photographs. Innovative technologies were studied and developed in order to acquire, process, and reconstruct highly-detailed 3D representations of the statues. These digital surrogates, in addition to documenting the conservation status of the objects, are exploited for a variety of valorization applications, ranging from physical replicas for tactile museums, to network-based frameworks for interactive exploration on mobile devices and high-end projection-based interactive installation in museum settings.
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