A Volumetric Virtual Environment for Catheter Insertion Simulation
Antonio Zorcolo, Enrico Gobbetti, Gianluigi Zanetti, and Massimiliano Tuveri
June 2000
We present an experimental catheter insertion simulation system that provides users co-registered haptic and head-tracked stereoscopic visual feedback. The system works on patient-specific volumetric data acquired using standard medical imaging modalities. The actual needle insertion operation is simulated for individual patients, rather than being an example of a model surgical procedure on standard anatomy. Patient specific features may thus be studied in detail by the trainees, overcoming one of the major limitations of current training techniques.
Reference and download information
Antonio Zorcolo, Enrico Gobbetti, Gianluigi Zanetti, and Massimiliano Tuveri. A Volumetric Virtual Environment for Catheter Insertion Simulation. In Robert van Liere and Juriaan Mulder, editors, Virtual Environments 2000, Springer Verlag, June 2000.
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Bibtex citation record
@InCollection{Zorcolo:2000:VVE, author = {Antonio Zorcolo and Enrico Gobbetti and Gianluigi Zanetti and Massimiliano Tuveri}, editor = {Robert van Liere and Juriaan Mulder}, title = {A Volumetric Virtual Environment for Catheter Insertion Simulation}, booktitle = {Virtual Environments 2000}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, month = {June}, year = {2000}, abstract = { We present an experimental catheter insertion simulation system that provides users co-registered haptic and head-tracked stereoscopic visual feedback. The system works on patient-specific volumetric data acquired using standard medical imaging modalities. The actual needle insertion operation is simulated for individual patients, rather than being an example of a model surgical procedure on standard anatomy. Patient specific features may thus be studied in detail by the trainees, overcoming one of the major limitations of current training techniques.}, url = {http://vic.crs4.it/vic/cgi-bin/bib-page.cgi?id='Zorcolo:2000:VVE'}, }
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