The radiosity method is one of the methods of choice used in global illumination simulation. It is a finite element technique that is particularly well suited for computing the radiance distribution in an environment exhibiting only diffuse reflection and emission. We discuss a multiresolution implementation of the technique, that has been developed to rapidly compute radiosity solutions for scenes composed of highly tessellated models. The application context is an interactive lighting design tool being developed in the framework of the DIVERCITY project (EU-IST-13365), funded under the European IST programme (Information Society Technologies).
Reference and download information
Leonardo Spanò and Enrico Gobbetti. Radiosity for Highly Tessellated Models. In SIMAI 2002 Symposium on Adaptive Techniques in Numerical Simulation and Data Processing, May 2002.
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Bibtex citation record
@InProceedings{Spano:2002:RHT, author = {Leonardo Span\`o and Enrico Gobbetti}, title = {Radiosity for Highly Tessellated Models}, booktitle = {SIMAI 2002 Symposium on Adaptive Techniques in Numerical Simulation and Data Processing}, address = {Conference held in Chia, CA, Italy, May 27--31, 2002}, month = {May}, year = {2002}, abstract = { The radiosity method is one of the methods of choice used in global illumination simulation. It is a finite element technique that is particularly well suited for computing the radiance distribution in an environment exhibiting only diffuse reflection and emission. We discuss a multiresolution implementation of the technique, that has been developed to rapidly compute radiosity solutions for scenes composed of highly tessellated models. The application context is an interactive lighting design tool being developed in the framework of the DIVERCITY project (EU-IST-13365), funded under the European IST programme (Information Society Technologies).}, url = {'Spano:2002:RHT'}, }
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