Interactive mapping of indoor building structures through mobile devices
Giovanni Pintore, Marco Agus, and Enrico Gobbetti
December 2014
We present a practical system to map and reconstruct multi-room indoor structures using the sensors commonly available in commodity smartphones. Our approach combines and extends state-of-the-art results to automatically generate floor plans scaled to real-world metric dimensions and to reconstruct scenes not necessarily limited to the Manhattan World assumption. In contrast to previous works, our method introduces an interactive method based on statistical indicators for refining wall orientations and a specialized merging algorithm for building the final rooms shape. The low CPU cost of the method makes it possible to support full execution by commodity smartphones, without the need of connecting them to a compute server. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique on a variety of multi-room indoor scenes, achieving remarkably better results than previous approaches.
Reference and download information
Giovanni Pintore, Marco Agus, and Enrico Gobbetti. Interactive mapping of indoor building structures through mobile devices. In Proc. 2nd International Conference on 3D Vision. Volume 2. Pages 103-110, December 2014. DOI: 10.1109/3DV.2014.40.
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Bibtex citation record
@InProceedings{Pintore:2014:IMI, author = {Giovanni Pintore and Marco Agus and Enrico Gobbetti}, title = {Interactive mapping of indoor building structures through mobile devices}, booktitle = {Proc. 2nd International Conference on 3D Vision}, volume = {2}, pages = {103--110}, month = {December}, year = {2014}, issn = {1550-6185}, abstract = { We present a practical system to map and reconstruct multi-room indoor structures using the sensors commonly available in commodity smartphones. Our approach combines and extends state-of-the-art results to automatically generate floor plans scaled to real-world metric dimensions and to reconstruct scenes not necessarily limited to the Manhattan World assumption. In contrast to previous works, our method introduces an interactive method based on statistical indicators for refining wall orientations and a specialized merging algorithm for building the final rooms shape. The low CPU cost of the method makes it possible to support full execution by commodity smartphones, without the need of connecting them to a compute server. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique on a variety of multi-room indoor scenes, achieving remarkably better results than previous approaches. }, doi = {10.1109/3DV.2014.40}, url = {'Pintore:2014:IMI'}, }
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