Real-time adaptive content retargeting for live multi-view capture and light field display
Vamsi Kiran Adhikarla, Fabio Marton, Tibor Balogh, and Enrico Gobbetti
The discrete nature of multiprojector light field displays results in aliasing when rendering scene points at depths outside the supported depth of field causing visual discomfort. We propose an efficient on-the-fly content-aware real-time depth retargeting algorithm for live 3D light field video to increase the quality of visual perception on a cluster-driven multiprojector light field display. The proposed algorithm is embedded in an end-to-end real-time system capable of capturing and reconstructing light field from multiple calibrated cameras on a full horizontal parallax light field dis play. By automatically detecting salient regions of a scene, we solve an optimization to derive a non-linear operator to fit the whole scene within the comfortable viewing range of the light field display. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on synthetic and real world scenes.
Reference and download information
Vamsi Kiran Adhikarla, Fabio Marton, Tibor Balogh, and Enrico Gobbetti. Real-time adaptive content retargeting for live multi-view capture and light field display. The Visual Computer, 31(6--8): 1023-1032, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s00371-015-1127-6.
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Bibtex citation record
@Article{Kiran:2015:RAC, author = {Vamsi {Kiran Adhikarla} and Fabio Marton and Tibor Balogh and Enrico Gobbetti}, title = {Real-time adaptive content retargeting for live multi-view capture and light field display}, journal = {The Visual Computer}, volume = {31}, number = {6--8}, pages = {1023--1032}, year = {2015}, abstract = { The discrete nature of multiprojector light field displays results in aliasing when rendering scene points at depths outside the supported depth of field causing visual discomfort. We propose an efficient on-the-fly content-aware real-time depth retargeting algorithm for live 3D light field video to increase the quality of visual perception on a cluster-driven multiprojector light field display. The proposed algorithm is embedded in an end-to-end real-time system capable of capturing and reconstructing light field from multiple calibrated cameras on a full horizontal parallax light field dis play. By automatically detecting salient regions of a scene, we solve an optimization to derive a non-linear operator to fit the whole scene within the comfortable viewing range of the light field display. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on synthetic and real world scenes. }, doi = {10.1007/s00371-015-1127-6}, url = {'Kiran:2015:RAC'}, }
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