Prem Kalra, Enrico Gobbetti, Daniel Thalmann, and Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann
November 1993
This paper presents an open testbed for controlling facial animation. The adopted controlling means can act at different levels of abstraction (specification). These means of control can be associated with different interactive devices and media thereby allowing a greater flexibility and freedom to the animator. Possibility of integration and mixing of control means provides a general platform where a user can experiment with his choice of control method. Experiments with input accessories like the keyboard of a music sinthesizer and gestures from the DataGlove are illustrated.
Reference and download information
Prem Kalra, Enrico Gobbetti, Daniel Thalmann, and Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann. A Multimedia Testbed for Facial Animation Control. In Proceedings International Conference on Multi-Media Modeling (MMM'93). Pages 59-72, November 1993.
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Bibtex citation record
@InProceedings{Kalra:1993:MTF, author = {Prem Kalra and Enrico Gobbetti and Daniel Thalmann and Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann}, title = {A Multimedia Testbed for Facial Animation Control}, booktitle = {Proceedings International Conference on Multi-Media Modeling (MMM'93)}, pages = {59--72}, address = {Conference held in Singapore}, month = {November}, year = {1993}, keywords = {Facial Expression, Animation Control, Gestures, MIDI Keyboard, DataGlove, Performance Animation}, abstract = {This paper presents an open testbed for controlling facial animation. The adopted controlling means can act at different levels of abstraction (specification). These means of control can be associated with different interactive devices and media thereby allowing a greater flexibility and freedom to the animator. Possibility of integration and mixing of control means provides a general platform where a user can experiment with his choice of control method. Experiments with input accessories like the keyboard of a music sinthesizer and gestures from the DataGlove are illustrated.}, url = {'Kalra:1993:MTF'}, }
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