Recent results in rendering massive models on horizontal parallax-only light field displays
Marco Agus, Fabio Bettio, Enrico Gobbetti, Fabio Marton, and Antonio Zorcolo
February 2009
In this contribution, we report on specialized out-of-core multiresolution real-time rendering systems able to render massive surface and volume models on a special class of horizontal parallax-only light field displays. The displays are based on a specially arranged array of projectors emitting light beams onto a holographic screen, which then makes the necessary optical transformation to compose these beams into a continuous 3D view. The rendering methods employ state-of-the-art out-of-core multiresolution techniques able to correctly project geometries onto the display and to dynamically adapt model resolution by taking into account the particular spatial accuracy characteristics of the display. The programmability of latest generation graphics architectures is exploited to achieve interactive performance. As a result, multiple freely moving naked-eye viewers can inspect and manipulate virtual 3D objects that appear to them floating at fixed physical locations. The approach provides rapid visual understanding of complex multi-gigabyte surface models and volumetric data sets.
Reference and download information
Marco Agus, Fabio Bettio, Enrico Gobbetti, Fabio Marton, and Antonio Zorcolo. Recent results in rendering massive models on horizontal parallax-only light field displays. In Final workshop of GRID projects, PON RICERCA 2000-2006, AVVISO 1575, February 2009.
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Bibtex citation record
@InProceedings{Agus:2009:RRR, author = {Marco Agus and Fabio Bettio and Enrico Gobbetti and Fabio Marton and Antonio Zorcolo}, title = {Recent results in rendering massive models on horizontal parallax-only light field displays}, booktitle = {Final workshop of GRID projects, PON RICERCA 2000-2006, AVVISO 1575}, month = {February}, year = {2009}, abstract = { In this contribution, we report on specialized out-of-core multiresolution real-time rendering systems able to render massive surface and volume models on a special class of horizontal parallax-only light field displays. The displays are based on a specially arranged array of projectors emitting light beams onto a holographic screen, which then makes the necessary optical transformation to compose these beams into a continuous 3D view. The rendering methods employ state-of-the-art out-of-core multiresolution techniques able to correctly project geometries onto the display and to dynamically adapt model resolution by taking into account the particular spatial accuracy characteristics of the display. The programmability of latest generation graphics architectures is exploited to achieve interactive performance. As a result, multiple freely moving naked-eye viewers can inspect and manipulate virtual 3D objects that appear to them floating at fixed physical locations. The approach provides rapid visual understanding of complex multi-gigabyte surface models and volumetric data sets. }, url = {'Agus:2009:RRR'}, }
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